December 19, 2006

Iraq troop buildup idea worries generals

From the AP via Yahoo! News:

A White House laboring to find a new approach in Iraq said Tuesday it is considering sending more U.S. troops, an option that worries top generals because of its questionable payoff and potential backlash. President Bush said he is ready to boost the overall size of an American military overstretched by its efforts against worldwide terrorism.

The military's caution on shipping thousands of additional troops temporarily to Iraq is based on a fear that the move could be ineffective without bold new political and economic steps.

Commanders also worry that the already stretched Army and Marine Corps would be even thinner once the short-term surge ended. Bush's newly expressed interest in making the military larger would have little impact on that worry because it will take much longer to add substantially to the size of the military.

Generals also question whether sending more troops to Iraq would feed a perception that the strife in Iraq is mainly a military problem; in their view it is largely political, fed by economic distress.

click here for all of it

Like I said in the previous post, he's the worst ever. We shouldn't send more troops, take it from the generals. They know a little more about war than the president, that's what they're there for. Bush has been notorious for doing the opposite of what his generals say, and putting his owns words in their mouths. Almost any time they talk about his strategy, it's like a negative critique. Isn't that tendancy a bit of a clue?


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