April 21, 2008

Bush is in town [here's a new Greg Palast article]

From Gregpalast.net

José Can You See? Bush’s Trojan Taco
By Greg Palast

While you Democrats are pounding each other to a pulp in Pennsylvania,
the President has snuck back down to New Orleans for a meeting of the NAFTA Three: the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico.


More important, the agenda-makers, the guys who called the meeting, must remain as far out of camera range as possible: The North American
Competitiveness Council.

Never heard of The Council? Well, maybe you’ve heard of the counselors: the chief executives of Wal-Mart, Chevron Oil, Lockheed-Martin and 27 other multinational masters of the corporate universe.

And why did the landlords of our continent order our presidents to a
three-nation pajama party? Their term is “harmonization.”

Harmonization means making rules and regulations the same in all three
countries. Or, more specifically, watering down rules – on health, safety, labor rights, oil drilling, polluting and so on - in other words, any regulations that get between The Council members and their profits.
click here for the whole thing

I left out a part of the article that says New Orleans still looks like Dresden 1946, which I don't entirely agree with because it's really the outskirts like Chalmette that are still pretty bad, not necessarily New Orleans itself.

Anyway, I overheard that Bush was going to be in town just this morning in the French Market where I work. A few minutes after I found out about this suprise visit, I saw a guy in a car with Ohio plates ride down the street with a bullhorn shouting "George Bush has betrayed the American people!" out the side of the window. Most onlookers thought it was comical, I thought it was awesome. Supposedly he almost hit someone but I didn't see it.

But about the article, it's awesome. Greg Palast is really smart, go read it.

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